
@ilegal blogs

Slideshare and the 2012 legal aid bid rounds

If you came here just to see the presentation I did on the 2012 bid rounds (ITT stage and onward) feel free to scroll down and get right to it!

Otherwise, a few words on Slideshare: it offers media such as documents, pdfs and slide presentations. It is a fast developing community consisting of professionals from various industries, where people register and upload their business content for either private or public sharing

I really like it and have used it off and on for some years under various guises. The presentation below was uploaded this morning as a promise to the CAAN group and also as it may be helpful to other legal aid professionals. Slideshare gives you the option when uploading of allowing your presentation to be downloaded by others or not. This one is available to download so, feel free

If you have time and are interested in how your organisation can use the tech that is out there (most of which is free!) and/or utilise social media, you are more than welcome to have a browse around my blog. You could try out the Ideas for you section or, have a look at some of the projects I’ve created and worked on to give you an idea of what is possible

Either way, I hope the presentation below is helpful

Please do not post any legal aid questions here. If you have a question or any thoughts about the ITT or the content of this presentation then please post it on ilegal instead

A quick tip on formatting: Slideshare occasionally has problems with PowerPoint.ppt files – it can mess up the theme – I usually get round this by uploading a (more recent) PowerPoint.pptx version. I suspect it happens more when using later themes within PowerPoint but, saving as older versions (older suffix file type)

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This entry was posted on October 8, 2012 by in Useful tools.